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Living WHOLE
Last night we wrapped up a series at eastridge youth entitled "WHOLE". We have focused over the past few weeks on how to live a life that is pure.
Here are 10 thoughts/principles that I think will help each of us live this out:
1. Jesus needs to be the priority of our life
Matthew 6:33 reminds us to "Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness..." Your relationship with Jesus should not just be an accessory on your life. He IS our life!
In Genesis 39 we read about Joseph facing a temptation - a test. His response: "How could I sin against my God..." His priority was not on what others would think, or what he could get away with, or with what he could keep hidden…his priority was God. His priorities were shown by the decisions in his life. The same is true in our lives. Live life with Jesus as your priority - not the applause or approval of others.
2. Right choices
Proverbs 16:17 says "The highway of the upright avoids evil; he who guards his way guards his life." It is amazing how much pain we can save ourselves from if we simply make the right choice. It is not always easy, but it is always worth it!
3. Right thoughts
Your thoughts will lead to your actions. What you allow to be your actions in life will become that habits that you form and live with. The habits that you allow to form in your life will begin to form your character. Your character in life will control your destiny. Your thoughts are IMPORTANT!
Colossians 3:1-2
"Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things."
Philippians 4:8
Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.
4. Right relationships
Don't be "unequally yoked" in life (see 2 Cor. 6:14). Put the right relationships into place in your life. We need people who can help us get to where we want to be! Don't allow yourself to settle for less than what God would desire to bless you with.
5. Right timing
Here is a simple equation:
Right person + Wrong time = bad thing
Wrong person + Right time = disaster
Right Person + Right time = blessing
Don't be in such a rush with life - especially when it comes to relationships. Wait for the right season...and wait for the RIGHT PERSON!
6. Right situations (places you find yourself)
Be careful where you allow yourself to be. If you know you are going to be weak in a specific situation...don't go there. If you place yourself in the right situation, you are less likely to have a bad result. If you find yourself in a situation that you need to escape from remember the words of 2 Timothy 2:22 - Flee...Pursue...With.
7. Accountability
We all need people in our lives who can help us get to where we need to be. This is called accountability. We need people in our lives who can help us uphold the standards that we want to live out. There will be moments when we are weak and we need someone with some strength to come along side of us. If you don't have someone who is asking you the tough questions and investing in you to help you succeed in life, find someone...today!
Ecclesiastes 4:9-10
Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work: If one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up!
8. Set Goals/Know your standards
If you don't have vision and set out to be purposeful with living a life that is WHOLE and not fractured, it probably wont happen by default. Someone wise once said "If you aim at nothing, you will hit it every time."
Set goals, know your standards for live - then stick to them!
9. Listen to the Holy Spirit
Jesus said that He was going to send the Counselor - The Holy Spirit - who will lead us into truth (John 14:17). If you are a Christian, the Holy Spirit will speak to you...LISTEN! If our ears are open, He will keep us from making decisions that will bring harm or destruction. He will lead us into truth!
10. Focus on His abilities more than yours
Sometimes when we hear messages on living a life that is pure we feel like it is all up to us. That somehow we must make it all happen and show God how "good" we are. What that can lead to is one of two things: PRIDE - because we think we are so good and we are making it happen ourselves, or FRUSTRATION - because we keep messing up and we feel like we will never succeed.
We need to always add Jesus and His Grace to the equation. It is not just about what we can do. It is about what He has DONE for us. As we look at His sacrifice that He made for us on the Cross and consider that He wants us to live lives that are WHOLE and without fracture and brokenness, we realize that He will give us the strength, grace and ability to see it happen.
Who are you tied in with?
One thing I learned a few years back: it is important to know who you are tied in with. For those who have gone climbing before, it is vital that you know who is holding the rope for you while you are suspended up in the air holding on by your finger tips and toes. You are hoping and praying that the person who has the rope is paying attention to every move you are making.
Who are you tied in with? Who is holding the rope in your life?
I was climbing with some friends once in North Bend off of exit 38. It was a warm Sunday afternoon. One friend started up his climb while the person who had him on belay (holding the rope) was watching. Something distracted the one who was holding the rope while the one who was climbing went to make a gutsy move...he missed the move and fell. The problem was the person holding the rope wasn't clued into the fact that he was about to fall, so he wasn't prepared to help.
The good thing is no one got hurt.
The bad thing is many of us are going through life and we are not really sure who we are tied in with, or who is holding the rope in our lives. We need people we can trust. People who are looking out for our best interest and wanting us to achieve greatness in life and finish the climb. We also need to be that person to someone else. We need to be holding the rope in our friends lives - watching them to ensure they make it safely.
If you don't know who it is that is holding the rope - that is a risk I would not encourage you to take. Find some people who you can trust, get tied in with them. It can make all the difference in the result!
Where do you go for input?
1 Kings 12:1-15 tells the story of King Rehoboam coming to power and where he took advice from.
1. Don't just surround yourself with people who will tell you what you want to hear
2. Listen to the advice of wisdom.
3. Sometimes the people closest to you in age wont have the perspective you need to hear.
4. Be aware of the needs of people around you - not just want you think you need or want.
5. Being teachable is a non-negotiable for leaders.
When I was younger I didn't always value the input of people who were older than me. I remember at times my parents telling me things that I thought they did not know what they were talking about...amazing how a few years changes perspective! As I have grown in my understanding of God's Word and in years (now almost 31), I see how vital it is to have the right people and voices around us for input.
If you are young, don't make the mistake of only taking advice and wisdom from your own age group. Listen to what people with a few more years have to say. Then be teachable and put it into practice.