I just got home from a 5 day missions trip with 25 students to Marblemount, WA, a small community in the North Cascades of Washington state. Often when I have thought of missions in the past I think of distant countries, planes, dirt roads and different languages. I believe wholeheartedly in foreign missions! My sister (Tasha) and brother-in-law (Doug) are missionaries to Swaziland in southern Africa. I have gone to southern Mexico to build schools for LACC (Latin American Child Care). I believe in missions around the world - but the mission is also across the street.

Something I recently challenged our student ministry with is the thought that The Mission (Matt. 28:18-20, 2 Peter 2:9) is wherever God's people are. Weather we are at school, in our neighborhood, in a foreign country, or at work - The Mission exists there. What is The Mission? That "NONE would perish".

Our week in Marblemount was eye opening for many. The fact that we can jump on a plane or drive a few hours...The Mission will exist there.

My prayer is that each of us would gain greater understanding that we are God's hands in accomplishing His Mission. Weather we are walking across the street or we are going around the world - The Mission is there!

Sunshine...only not on the weekend

Just trying to figure out why it gets sunny during the week...and the weekend it rains.

I was scheduled to paint my house this past weekend, yet the weather decided not to cooperate. I guess that is the price to pay when you live in western Washington. Don't get me wrong...I love this area. I wouldn't change where I live. I just sit here looking at the beautiful sunshine while I sit here in my office. I wish I had an iced coffee - sitting in the sun, reading a book. Maybe next week.

On an upbeat note...Thank you Jesus for the good weather this week!

John 12:23-28 | Amazing Words

John 12:23-28
Jesus replied, "The hour has come for the Son of Man to be glorified. 24I tell you the truth, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds. 25The man who loves his life will lose it, while the man who hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life. 26Whoever serves me must follow me; and where I am, my servant also will be. My Father will honor the one who serves me.

27"Now my heart is troubled, and what shall I say? 'Father, save me from this hour'? No, it was for this very reason I came to this hour. 28Father, glorify your name!"

Those words amaze me. Jesus, in all of His wisdom, knowledge and understanding says something so simple and yet vastly profound. "Unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed..." As the end of His earthly mission is in view, He communicates a truth to the disciples then that is true for each believer today: we cannot gain without sacrifice. It is through sacrificing our wants, that we learn to live for His. It is through laying down our desires, that His desires become our priority and focus in life. We CAN hold on to what we have, but it wont produce more than what it is...a single seed. But when we lay aside our desires, dying to ourselves, and get invested and planted in what our King desires, then we will see fruitfulness...a harvest that goes beyond a "single seed".

Jesus understood the price that was going to be given. "Now my heart is troubled..." But even with that awareness, His purpose was the most important thing. He was able to stick to it, because He understood it.

Imagine what could happen if people would take the purpose that God had set aside for their lives with that type of commitment! Imagine if we were a little more willing to "fall to the ground" so that we would not "remain just a single seed."

Have I totally reached that point. Not yet. I daily have to die to things...but it is my desire to become more for the Kingdom, which means that I need to set aside my wants, worries and desires and get myself more invested in His purpose.

Here we go...

So, here we go.

In a continued effort to keep connected with friends, family, students and others in our church, here is my blog. The goal: to share thoughts, ideas, insight, fun, and glimpses of life.

Currently, at 29 years old, happily married for over 5 years, two healthy sons, a youth pastor at the greatest church I could ever work at with students that we love and truly want to see the best for - life is awesome. This summer has been full of good things: the birth of our second son (Justus Tyler), an amazing summer camp for our student ministry (i will share more later about that), days with my wife just hanging out and laughing together, watching the movies CARS too many times to count with our oldest son Judah, sharing moments with friends, family and people that I care about. I am enjoying life.

And I think that is where God truly desires us to be. Jesus said that He came that we could experience life to the full (John 10:10). I never want to settle for anything less.

My goal: slow down,
enjoy the moments with my wife, enjoy the moments as my sons grow, enjoy the thrill of watching students "get it" in their relationship with Christ...simply put - ENJOY LIFE.