Where do you go for input?

Who we seek counsel from is important. It seems that all too often we look every place besides the voices that we need to listen to when it comes to seeking after wisdom and advice. I shared some thoughts with our interns the other morning on who we get our advice and input from that I thought would be worth passing along.

1 Kings 12:1-15 tells the story of King Rehoboam coming to power and where he took advice from.

1. Don't just surround yourself with people who will tell you what you want to hear
2. Listen to the advice of wisdom.
3. Sometimes the people closest to you in age wont have the perspective you need to hear.
4. Be aware of the needs of people around you - not just want you think you need or want.
5. Being teachable is a non-negotiable for leaders.

When I was younger I didn't always value the input of people who were older than me. I remember at times my parents telling me things that I thought they did not know what they were talking about...amazing how a few years changes perspective! As I have grown in my understanding of God's Word and in years (now almost 31), I see how vital it is to have the right people and voices around us for input.

If you are young, don't make the mistake of only taking advice and wisdom from your own age group. Listen to what people with a few more years have to say. Then be teachable and put it into practice.

Highlight video of our Eastridge Student Center Grand Opening

Eastridge Student Center Grand Opening 4.7.10 from Eastridge Church on Vimeo.

Difference Makers

I have been thinking a lot about people who live their lives as difference makers. The truth is that many of the people that I would consider to fit in this category might not recognize themselves as such. These people inspire me.

They give of their time without coming across like it is a burden.
They sacrifice to help see the dream of someone else come to pass.
They show up.
They enjoy what they are doing - because they understand the difference it makes.
They help to lift the load.
They are people who take something that is impossible, and work and find ways to make it happen.

I had so many people show up in my life to be difference makers over the past few weeks as we were getting ready for our grand opening of our student center. These people (adults, students, interns, volunteers...) took dreams and ideas that would have been impossible and made them possible. They gave their time, energy and effort, all because they believed that what they were doing and what they could do would make a difference. They are people who live life as difference makers!

I want to live life like that.

Good Reminder

Every now and then I need a good reminder. I love how it is God's Word that usually brings these reminders in life.

Tonight I was reading through Philippians and came across a challenging verse that I often read right through.

Philippians 2:14
"Do everything without complaining and arguing..."

It's one of those verses that is easy to remember and often difficult to live out everyday.

What a great challenge for us. I know that I personally enjoy hanging out with people who are NOT always complaining. What a goal for us to aim at: that we would do EVERYTHING with out having a complaining attitude or arguing.

Paul's reasoning for this is that it would cause God's people to stand out in their generation and shine.

I like that!

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