Reflections from Summer Camp 2009
As the nights unfolded, it was fun to watch as the messages of our camp speakers seemed to totally line up and build on one another. God was definitely orchestrating some things! Having Pastor Steve Jamison, our Sr. Pastor, as our opening speaker was an amazing gift. I have never seen such a hunger and transparency on a first night of camp. I had quite a few conversations with young people who were very open about what God was doing in them and how He was delivering them from areas of compromise.
Pastor Josh was amazing on Tuesday as he talked about An Awakening. The altar time was powerful as students pressed into God. I loved being able to preach Wednesday night at camp about A New Reality. Again that night students packed the altar. Thursday night, my good friend Matt Wakefield came and brought the word. It was phenomenal what was taking place! Throughout the week we had many kids dedicate their lives to Jesus, got baptized in the Holy Spirit, had breakthrough in areas of their lives, called into full time ministry...what an amazing week!
I can honestly say I love this church and our student ministry, and cant wait to see what is ahead!
Enjoy Life
One thing many people lack is simply enjoying the simple things in life. Being able to "unplug" for a few days, build fires, catch fish, laugh, talk, and swim really brings a sense of refreshing to your life.
One highlight of our trip was Judah (2 1/2 years old catching his first fish! He was so excited as he pulled in that Rainbow Trout! It was amazing to take Judah and Justus swimming, and just enjoy the moments with my boys. I loved being able to sit by my wife at the fire each night and just hang out - no phone, no TV, no computer...just relationship. We also had some dust and bugs (comes with the territory I guess when you are camping), a huge lightning storm, great food and we ate a lot of smores.
On Tuesday afternoon, Amber's cousin Chris and I went up into the mountains on dirt bikes. We rode up a forest service road that seemed to have no ending. As we wove along the river and through the trees there was a simple reminder: life is good. We came to a clearing after a long hill and I had to pause and think, "Wow God. You are BIG." All around us were huge mountain peeks, some with snow still covering them. As I stood there and starred, it seemed like all of life's worries faded away. It is interesting how we can sometimes make a big deal out of things that really are not that big. Perspective is important. There is something about being way up near mountain peeks to put life into perspective for you.
As each of us go through life, we must find those moments where we can slow down and enjoy what God has given us. Being with family and friends. Having moments where you are reminded that He is God and we are NOT! Life is good!
What’s in You is Coming Out of You...
Yup, that’s right - what’s in you is coming out of you. Jesus said it: “A good person produces good things from the treasury of a good heart, and an evil person produces evil things from the treasury of an evil heart. What you say flows from what is in your heart.” (Luke 6:45).
Words reveal something about you... what’s in you. Are you full of God’s presence - his Spirit or are you full of (your) self?
Your words reveal whether you have love or hate, pride or humility, bitterness or forgiveness, ignorance or understanding, foolishness or wisdom, rudeness or kindness stored up in your heart.
Proverbs 18:21
Words kill, words give life; they're either poison or fruit—you choose. (Message)
Matthew 12:34-35
…for whatever is in your heart determines what you say. A good person produces good words from a good heart…
James chapter 3 warns us of the destruction that our words can bring and reminds us of the need to reign in our tongues.
Restrain yourself - know what not to say:
1. Don’t allow your words to tear down
2. Bless and do not curse (Romans 12:14)
3. Don’t let yourself become critical, negative, cynical and mean
4. Not every thought should be communicated
5. Not every opinion is needed or desired
6. Don’t just be an “observational communicator” (Ezekiel 37)
Speak with grace - know what to say:
1. Let your words be full of grace (Colossians 4:6)
2. Bless
3. Praise
4. Encourage
5. Build up
6. Speak to what is good
7. Be generous with compliments
“…let everything you say be good and helpful, so that your words will be an encouragement to those who hear them.” - Ephesians 4:29
This article was written by Pastor Brian Dolleman (, lead pastor of Fairwood Church. He has been a mentor and great friend in my life, and I thought it would be a great reminder for all of us about the power of our words and what it reflects about what is in us.