With the strength you have

Strength is an important thing. Sometimes you don't recognize its importance until you need it. When we recognize that we need it, and we don't have it, often that motivates us to do something to gain more of it. To accomplish something new, or something great, we need strength. Obviously all of us have some level of physical strength (and some of us, my self included, need to increase that area). There are points, however, where we need to accomplish something and we do not have the strength, determination, ability, or even the understanding to get it accomplished. At those times in life, what is the best action to take?

Some might be tempted to sit and wait for God to drop on us everything that we need to see it take place. Others might get up and go after it - all in their own ability.

Today I was reading in Judges and came across the familiar story of Gideon. In Judges 6:14, as the Angel of the Lord is speaking to Gideon, he tells Gideon to "Go with the strength you have and rescue Israel from the Midianites. I am sending you." (nlt)

Gideon was called by God to do something new - something that would not come easy. Isnt it easy in life to focus on everything that we lack, instead of looking to what God has already given us. I have learned a simple truth in life: God will never call us to do something that He will not also equip us for. Even though Gideon felt insignificant (see Judges 6:1-27), God told him to go in the strength that he had. And then He reminded Gideon, "I am sending you."

You may feel like what you have is not enough to accomplish all that God has called you to. Maybe there is a dream in your heart that has not been fulfilled. Maybe you have been sitting on the sidelines, waiting for God to give you everything you think you need before you can jump in the game. I think it is important for each of us to remember that when we are called by God to step out, we need to go in what He has given us (the strength that we have) and in what He has told us (that He will be with us).

As the story unfolds, Gideon accomplishes great things. These great feats would not have been accomplished if he would have not walked away from the wine press with the strength he had, and the confidence that followed by knowing that it was God who was calling him to it.

Don't sit. Don't doub't. Take what He has already given you, and go.

Passionate or Indifferent?

Last night was one of those nights where I woke up, wide awake at 1 AM, wanting desperately to go back to sleep. After tossing and turning for a while I decided to get up and pray and listen to what God might want to be speaking to me about. This thought kept coming to me: Are we indifferent?

Here is what dictionary.com has to say about the word "indifferent":
1. without interest or concern; not caring; apathetic: his indifferent attitude toward the suffering of others.
having no bias, prejudice, or preference; impartial; disinterested.
3. neither good nor bad in character or quality;
average; routine: an indifferent specimen.
4. not particularly good, important, etc.;
unremarkable; unnotable: an indifferent success; an indifferent performance.
5. of only moderate amount, extent, etc.
not making a difference, or mattering, one way or the other.
7. immaterial or unimportant.
not essential or obligatory, as an observance.
making no difference or distinction, as between persons or things.

I had to stop and think about what I felt like the Lord was speaking to me about. Have we become "indifferent"? Do we see our potential as the church? Do we see our selves as making a difference in our world?

There have been moments in my life where I am sure I have been indifferent. One thing I NEVER want to grow indifferent about is who Jesus is and what he has called us to do. Not sure about you, but I don't want to live the type of life that is "without interest or concern; not caring; apathetic; having no bias; impartial; disinterested; average; routine; unremarkable; unnotable; not making a difference, or mattering, one way or the other; not essential; making no difference or distinction. That is not the summary of the life that I want to live. I don't believe that should be the summary of the lives of people who are Christ followers.

What is an area that you have maybe grown indifferent, that needs to become a place of passion? What is something that used to stir you, but now it could come or go and wouldn't really make a difference? If you have no vision for it, you will grow indifferent.

Be passionate, not indifferent!

A Movement

Ever felt like you wanted to see something happen through your life, yet you have a hard time seeing the influence you are making? Here is a thought...keep going at it, because a movement is on its way.

As a youth pastor, I love to see students step out of their comfort zone and accomplish something they did not see as possible. There is nothing like it! If we want to see a movement take place in our generation there is going to have to be:

The guy dancing above had a desire and a passion. We wont see a movement if there is nothing that is moving us. What is it that moves you?

I love that he does one thing well: he keeps dancing. Clearly, not the best dancer in the crowd, but because of his commitment and determination, people are drawn into what he is doing. Even when people might criticize you for what you are doing, they could very well be the people who are going the strongest by the end.

Unlike the movement seen above, I think we have a clear cut direction for where the movement is heading. Eventually, after the music stopped, people packed up and went home and maybe remembered that moment...maybe not. I don't think that is what God has called us to do in starting a movement in our generation. We have a direction: love God, reach and love people. Until this is accomplished, we have to keep moving.

[My friend Pastor Zac Gandara passed this video along to me...good stuff]

Original post from:


Ownining It

Today I was driving with my boys in the car. Judah said something that made me think: "That's my church, daddy." What a great perspective from a two year old. He didn't say "that's your church", "that's where you work", or "that's where I go once a week to play in the nursery" (if he would have said that, I probably would have fallen out of my seat). Judah sees his church as his. Later, I hope it grows into an understanding that "his church" is more than the building that we go to, but rather it is something great that he is a part of. It is something that God is using to change and altar the course of peoples lives and eternities.

Imagine if all of us had a similar perspective: ownership of our church. I love it when people see the church as something more than a building. How have you shown ownership of your church? Do you serve like it is yours? Do you care for it like it is yours? Do you pray for it like it is yours? A church is a reflection of the people that are in it.

Choose to own it!