This weekend I have had the privilege to speak at "UNITED WINTER CAMP" for my good friend, Pastor Andy Jones (youth pastor at Fairwood Church). In our morning chapel he talked about being unified. It was powerful! Here are some thoughts that I jotted down and wanted to pass along about the power of UNITY:
Genesis 11
The people were speaking the same language and going the same direction - but it was all rooted in selfishness. As a result, God brought confusion.
John 17
Jesus prays for us! He prays for unity in His people, that we would be ONE, just as He and the Father are ONE. This is huge for us to recognize that Jesus prayed that we as His church would operate with unity - that we would be ONE in heart and purpose.
Acts 2
The church operates in UNITY. The confusion that was brought in Genesis 11 is turned to bring unity. And look at what is accomplished! People were saved, healed, restored, and the work that Jesus had commissioned them to do went forward!
Philippians 2
We must get selfishness out of the way if unity will ever come about in our lives. A lack of UNITY is a sign of SELFISHNESS.
Ephesians 4
The goal: that we would grow up in the faith and be unified together.
Strive for unity with each other. With it great things can be accomplished in our churches and communities. Without it, we wont get the work done that we have been commissioned to do.
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